
It's been a while and I wish that somebody would've told me how sucky surgery on a deviated septum is


@Dragon_King7 Jesus Christ man that’s rough
          	  Yeah idk lmao surgeries aint my thing those things scare me to death


Yeah, just in case you get surgery for it, the splints are forking huge. Mine were the length of my index finger and the width of my thumb.


Dang you got surgery for it?? I just found out I had a deviated septum and it’s been causing my post nasal drip my whole life 


To anyone who still follows this account; it's a dead account that I can no longer log into to even delete, so if you still like what I write and want to read new things that are up on my new account, my new @ is  ChalkboardRose (I was literally looking at a chalkboard with a flower on it when I named it), or it's under the name "Beebs".


It's been a while and I wish that somebody would've told me how sucky surgery on a deviated septum is


@Dragon_King7 Jesus Christ man that’s rough
            Yeah idk lmao surgeries aint my thing those things scare me to death


Yeah, just in case you get surgery for it, the splints are forking huge. Mine were the length of my index finger and the width of my thumb.


Dang you got surgery for it?? I just found out I had a deviated septum and it’s been causing my post nasal drip my whole life 


I missed it at the beginning of pride month, but I want you all to know that no matter your gender, sexual/romantic orientation, or race, there’s someone out there who loves you whole heartedly and if you think I’m wrong, then I’ll be that person for you. Happy pride, everybody


I've decided that I'm not going to be continuing "I'll Find You". I've lost all motivation for it and I'm already rewriting "I Know Your Secret", which I'm sure will affect the outcome of the second book.


Dang. Sorry I’m late asf I couldn’t find your acc for some dumb reason. But anyway the motivation part sucks dude I feel you— happy writing ig lmao
            Idk if it’s just me but even if you enjoy writing rewriting stuff feels so tedious


I'm thinking about doing a fifth and final chapter for 'Deku the Comedian', but I'm a little on the fence. What do y'all think? I, for one, think my Midwest is showing with all these 'y'alls'.


I think that sounds dope dude go for it if you think it’d be a good addition
            Also haha maybe you’re picking it up from me—