
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I couldn't do the "Through Time" saga...I'm a supernatural writer I think and that was more romance...I have it on hold, in case I can come back to it as I like the idea.  I do plan on coming back to the sequel to Chaos as the "Demon Rising" saga, but right now I am doing a Guardians Series which is superanatural with puzzle, puppy, and tendershipping.  Did you want me to let you know when I start that Demon Rising series?  There is absolutely no pressure, you just seemed to enjoy Chaos, so I wanted to make sure you could read Demon Rising if you wanted.  Again, not trying to be pushy, you were just one that commented on my stuff, and I wanted to keep you in the loop.  Have a great day!


Thank you very much for the offer and I gladly accept!! I just love your books so much and I just don't want you to feel bad or to make you think your pushy. You're just fine, besides as long as you are happy and satisfied with what you wrote or the comments of your supporters (like me!!) than I'm happy!! Again I would love to know when the Demon Rising series start!! Good luck on your new series and I'll see you there!! Don't think that this is the last you'll see of me!! P.S sorry for replying so late and hope that you had a good nights rest! Sorry again!


Well, ch 19 and 20 are up.  I am interested in your reaction.  :)


@Dragondreamer11 you will *really* be on the death side when you catch up on the chapters.  :)  ch 26 & an A/N are up in book 2 and A/N & chapter 1 are up in book 3.  may do another tonight, I dunno.  have a good one!  (sorry didn't respond sooner, I never got notice you responded to this conversation)  :)


 They were both amazing!!! Sorry I wasn't able to have first looks went to a place without internet so I couldn't see it. And sorry if I'm a bit more on the death side today but Seto, and Kisara need to open their eyes and see the truth!! 