
Hey! hello there I am a reader as well as writer. A newbie. My favourite genres are transmigration or reincarnation (Isekai too) and time travel of fanfics. I really love your work. And I really think your fan-fic is god level. Also I would be happy if you continue your work. And would you mind if I use some of your approach in story?


I see. I am relieved knowing the major opinion of other writers. As I don't know many complicated things like this I am quite young. 


@SujalBhattarai i honestly have no idea what the wait time is for Ao3. it's been ages since I got mine. also that writer is weird, that is NOT the opinion held by the majority of writers.


@SujalBhattarai I see. It's just that while reading random fan fics I found a guy who wrote in his description that if you dare to steal my ideas I will search for you in every part of world and bury you or something like that. Also it's the first time I consider using idea from other fics. Also do you know in how much time will my email get registered in Archive or Ao3? Also I don't know where is the waiting list. Also lastly if it is fine with you and you do have time do consider updating your fics. Especially the time travel one and about Rin on Ao3.