Hello I have a question, In speed of unleashed, are there going to be more elder dragons or frontrier monsters like shantien or guanzorumu?
@DragonsBain1 Thank you for answering my question, and if I could leave two monsters of suggestion they would be the Forokururu Bird Wyvern and the Elder Dragon Shantien, both of them are very really cool.
@BlackCifer possibly, Ive thought about adding in espinas and a few of the other monsters from frontier but it's still up in the air as of the moment. (And admitted, I don't know very many of the frontier monster other then Lavasioth, espinas, and hypnocatrace (the main contenders for who I might put in the story), but if you or anyone else has a suggestion then please feel free to tell me about it and if it fits with the story I might end up putting it in) :)