
Hi everyone!
          	Just wanted to let you know that some really nice folk following me are trying to get @SoIarfeather up to 200 followers as a surprise while she's away. We've already got her up to 193 followers - just 7 more to go!
          	If you're up for it, feel free to help out. That'll be all for now.
          	Hopefully, I'll have a new chapter for both Dragon Tales and The Dragon Princess and the Cook out by this time next week, but we'll see...


Hi everyone!
          Just wanted to let you know that some really nice folk following me are trying to get @SoIarfeather up to 200 followers as a surprise while she's away. We've already got her up to 193 followers - just 7 more to go!
          If you're up for it, feel free to help out. That'll be all for now.
          Hopefully, I'll have a new chapter for both Dragon Tales and The Dragon Princess and the Cook out by this time next week, but we'll see...


Thank you for voting on Tainted Blood!
          It’s greatly appreciated and we love the support we’re receiving :) 
          You’re a wonderful person! 


Thank you! I spent so much time on the art <3 


@Thee_Ataraxy No problem! I'm really enjoying it so far, and I love all the character art.


Thanks for the follow! I am curious though, why me? And where'd you find me? Nice to meet you, and welcome to my chotic life! Enjoy!


Thanks! And it no problem! You seem cool, and you like stuff I do too! So, we're good! YES CHAOS


@DragonWolfAlpha No problem! Thanks for following me back!
            As for how I found you, I noticed your message to Melon1the1Rainwing and thought you seemed cool. There's also your profile pic. (Judging a book by it's cover, I know. But I just love dragons, wolves too!) It's also always nice to find a fellow Christian.
            Again, thanks for following me. It's great to meet you too! LET THE CHAOS ENSUE!


Just read chapter 14 of Wings of Fire- the lost heir. 
          Queen Coral is BRUTAL! How can she go from being so motherly to being so cold? Also, Poor Tortoise...
          I wonder whether I ought to make the dragons in my book a little more violent?
          It's a very fine line. Too much brutality, and they become nothing more than monsters, too little, and they lose that animalistic quality that makes them so appealing.
          Do dragons really live in castles? Do they REALLY need to have their own cooks?...
          Maybe I'm over thinking things, but either way, I'm LOVING Wings of Fire so far!


@GeneralZarax Thanks! 
            This is just one of many reason why I love writing about dragons - there's no limits!
            Even in Tui's book all the dragon's sit together and eat at a table, the very next day after Coral and Tortoise's grim confrontation no less!


Legit picked up the book right now just to remind myself on what happened. Great to hear your liking the series. It's quite an amazing world Sutherland created.
            And on your dragons. Make them however you feel. They can be as civilized as you want. Since there aren't really any true definitions to the species.


Chapter 7 is out!
          Hope you all enjoy it. Feel free to leave a comment or a vote if you do - I always appreciate it!
          As always, if anyone has anything they'd like referencing in my sketches with a small object from their favourite movies or videogames, let me know and I'll add it to my list.
          That's all for now! See you all in another week or two!


At last! Chapter 6 is complete. Along with the start of another little project of mine... Dragon Tales - A Littlebigplanet Adventure!
          Sorry it's took so long. Summer is a very busy time for me and I've been having to cover for a lot of folk at work.
          Nevertheless, I'd love to hear what you all think. And if anyone has any videogames or movies they'd like referencing with a small object in my sketches, leave a message and I'll see what I can do.
          Thanks again for reading and I'll see you all in another week or two.


@CaptainMemes Thanks!
            I've added them to my list and will be sure to drop a few them in my illustrations whenever the opportunity arises. 


@DragonsDwelling Here’s some more!
            E Tank - Megaman
            Heart Tank or Sub Tank - Megaman X
            Screw Attack Coin - Metroid


@CaptainMemes Sure, that'd be great! I'm still working through your previous list - there's a tiny bottle of Juggernog in the first picture of the last chapter and a crate from Ratchet and Clank (One of my favourite games).
            I'll be leaving that message about the references in every chapter announcement, just in case anyone else wants to join in. :)


Chapter 5 is ready for reading!
          Hope you all enjoy it. As always, I'd love to hear what you think.
          See you all in another week or two!


@CaptainMemes Thanks again, Captain! Glad you're enjoying it so far.


@DragonsDwelling Great chapter once again! Can’t wait to see what’s next!