
Hi everyone! I am looking for Beta Readers!
          	After my absence, I want to start getting back into scheduled releases of my books. To keep me in check I am looking for some beta readers. There are a few considerations I would like to state before you consider being one of my beta readers.
          	1. I write romance, sci-fi, and fantasy-based shorts, novelettes, and novels.
          	2. Due to my works possibly having graphic content not limited to, blood, gore, language, or sexual content. I ask my readers to be 18+. For each project, I will list the possibilities of content just in case.
          	3.  Be honest. It’s always great to hear when someone loves your work, but I am also looking for constructive criticism. Things you like and didn’t like. However, if a part is confusing, I’m looking for a “Why…” or “I am confused because…”. Not necessarily “You should do it this way,”.
          	4. I work mainly in google docs at this time. That way I can read comments and recommended edits easier, but I'm open to different formats if requested. 
          	5. If chosen as a beta reader I would love to add you to the credits of my work. If you prefer not to be mentioned I will of course respect your wishes. 
          	6. I will have deadlines for you. I am fully aware people have lives, and things come up. I will do my best to have tolerable deadlines for chapters. 
          	Please let me know if you are interested and a few details about yourself! 
          	Beginner beta readers welcome.


@Dragons_Dwell great to hear you are returning!
          	  All the best for your search of beta readers!


Hi everyone! I am looking for Beta Readers!
          After my absence, I want to start getting back into scheduled releases of my books. To keep me in check I am looking for some beta readers. There are a few considerations I would like to state before you consider being one of my beta readers.
          1. I write romance, sci-fi, and fantasy-based shorts, novelettes, and novels.
          2. Due to my works possibly having graphic content not limited to, blood, gore, language, or sexual content. I ask my readers to be 18+. For each project, I will list the possibilities of content just in case.
          3.  Be honest. It’s always great to hear when someone loves your work, but I am also looking for constructive criticism. Things you like and didn’t like. However, if a part is confusing, I’m looking for a “Why…” or “I am confused because…”. Not necessarily “You should do it this way,”.
          4. I work mainly in google docs at this time. That way I can read comments and recommended edits easier, but I'm open to different formats if requested. 
          5. If chosen as a beta reader I would love to add you to the credits of my work. If you prefer not to be mentioned I will of course respect your wishes. 
          6. I will have deadlines for you. I am fully aware people have lives, and things come up. I will do my best to have tolerable deadlines for chapters. 
          Please let me know if you are interested and a few details about yourself! 
          Beginner beta readers welcome.


@Dragons_Dwell great to hear you are returning!
            All the best for your search of beta readers!



Hi! I had just finished reading ' Wife of bones' and I loved it  The flow of the story , the characters and the way you portrayed them was commendable! For me, Darra was very inspiring but I didn't quite get her 'magical powers' like can she control the weather?! And about Huey, is he related to her father?? I am not sure if you already explained this.... I am very curious about the creature her father was! :D
          Congratulations on publishing this masterpiece :)  I hope your story gets what it really deserve ^_^ 
          Best wishes for your future projects :) :) 
          Take care 


@zillionstar I'm always happy to reply! I love talking to everyone. I currently don't have a full sequel planned, however, I do have a possible short in the works. Think more on the lines of a holiday special.


Thank you so much for replying! Are you going to write a sequel where you will show their married life and hopefully, possibly THIER kids?!!!! Will Darra ever be able to fully control her elemental magic? 
            Stay safe :)


@zillionstar I'm glad you loved the book! Darras's powers are a form of elemental magic, focused on 'electric' elements. Not a magically inclined person, like Casey or Lord Howard. Unlike their practiced magic, elemental magic is not very useful, unless you know how to control it.  WELL, Huey and her father, if I explained lol it would have a lot of REDACTED statements for it would spoil a future project :D but I will reveal that Yes, they are connected.


Your work, Snow Much Love, is so adorable, cute and amazing. You paonted a world without so much staggering and complicated detail. You have a way with words that captures attention and interest. I hope to see more of this world  and stories like Gwen and Douglas.  much love, stay safe and take care :)


You are very much welcome  Im so excited on reading your other works!! 


@SabrinaTheBitchWitch Aw, why thank you! I have a few shorts coming along. I'm looking to post some new content soon! Stay safe as well.