
Chapter 1 of "Sword Art DxD" is now live on both Wattpad and Fanfiction.net! Also, since I have more prep than expected for the other stories I have waiting in the wings, I intend to have a second chapter out within the next few days, potentially as early as tonight! (no promises) Ttyl


Chapter 1 of "Sword Art DxD" is now live on both Wattpad and Fanfiction.net! Also, since I have more prep than expected for the other stories I have waiting in the wings, I intend to have a second chapter out within the next few days, potentially as early as tonight! (no promises) Ttyl


I LIVE!!!!!
          Sorry guys, I know I'm a week late in doing this but school and work decided to try and kill me at the last second. Regardless the first chapter of my new story "Remnant of DxD" has officially been uploaded to both Wattpad and Fanfiction.net (both under the name UltraversalOrigin).
          Just to clarify, the stories that won the poll are still high on my list of priorities, but that doesn't mean I'll be getting to them right away (either due to needing more prep, trying to focus on something else for now, etc...). Anyways, I'm going to attempt to publish at least one chapter per week, but considering my history, let's cross our fingers.
          Either way, it's great to finally be back in action. Happy reading!
          For anyone who wants to join my Discord server, here's a new link: https://discord.gg/y8gtqaDe


The poll is now closed and the results are the same as the previous announcement. As for the three-way tie for 3rd place, I will be doing the story that I have the most prep work already done for by this point, that being the Fate/Zero story. To all those who would prefer I worked on other ideas, remember that I intend to get to all of the ideas from the poll (as well as ones I chose not to add to it) sooner or later.
          Regarding which story(ies) I intend to focus on first, I will of course be choosing from among the poll winners and two or three other ideas I mentioned that I was going to work on regardless of the results. The specific order will be left to my own discretion, through I will likely alternate stories between various weeks, but it is possible this may change.
          Lastly, I intend to soley focus working on the five or six stories I've mentioned thus far until I finish a decent amount of starting chapters for each. Afterward, I will likely split my time between working on them whenever I feel motivated/inspired to and developing/posting other stories I have in mind.
          My next announcement will be when I start publishing again either next week or the week after that, I'll see you all then!


Attention, everyone! This is just a reminder that, per my previous announcement, the poll will be ending earlier than originally planned; that being at 12p (noon) EST today. The current standings of the poll are as follows (3rd place is currently a three-way tie):
          1 - Rewrite of "Fire Emblem: Unlimited Blade Works"
          2 - Sword Art Online happens in the DxD world
          3.1 - Fate/Zero with a Twist (First Story in a Series)
          3.2 - Random shmuck gets Isekai'd into DxD Rimaru-style
          3.3 - An Archreaper deals with Immortals and a clusterf@ck of monsters
          If anyone currently in the server has yet to vote/use all of their 3 votes, the time to use them is now. Additionally, all previously-sent invite links to the server are still active, so anyone can still join and vote before the aforementioned end time.
          Happy voting!


@Dragonslayer413 Sao in Dxd? ooohhh
            every story i’m following is dropped or in hiatus.
            2 please


Okay guys, it has come to my attention that an entire week seems like an awfully long time for a poll to go on for, especially considering how it seems like people have stopped voting by this point. It is because of this that I will be ending the poll early at 12pm (noon) tomorrow EST, so if you haven't voted yet, now is the time to do so. Happy voting!
          Link to the Discord server (for anyone who still wants to join/vote):


Attention! My Discord poll to decide some of the stories I'll be prioritizing (for the time being) is currently in its second day of being active, and a number of votes have been cast. The following are the current top 3 voted-on story ideas  #2 is a three-way tie):
          1 - Rewrite of "Fire Emblem: Unlimited Blade Works"
          2.1 - Fate/Zero with a Twist (First Story in a Series)
          2.2 - Random shmuck gets Isekai'd into DxD Rimaru-style
          2.3 - Sword Art Online happens in the DxD world
          3 - An Archreaper deals with Immortals and a clusterf@ck of monsters
          There are a total of 15 different story ideas to choose from in regards to the voting, and anyone can pick up to 3 of them to cast a vote for (unfortunately, you cannot vote for the same idea more than once). If you want to have a say in some of the next stories I work on, join my new Discord using the link below and cast your votes, the poll may only last until Sunday at 12:00 PM (EST), though (at most) it could go on until the following Tuesday at the same time. Happy voting!


Alright people starting later today, I will be holding a poll on my new Discord server regarding which story ideas of mine to work on (as I have too many); I have one or two that I really want to do ASAP, but the top 2 or 3 from the poll will also be priorities for me. The poll itself will last for at least five days (including today), and will likely go a bit into next week as well. If you want to vote, or know anyone who might want to, here's a new invite link to my server: https://discord.gg/VQYdd4SG