
Does Kaiser6097 have an alternate account anywhere? Because from what I can tell their account was reported/deleted. Since I can't read the stories, they posted.


@Dragonsofchaos Do let us know when those stories come back


@Dragonsofchaos Damn it I was just looking foward to reading the villainess book


@Dragonsofchaos Yeah he got hit by a copyright strike I think. All of his stories were just copy and pasted translations from other sites, or his own translations. Its hard to tell. But now I have a bunch of stories I wanted to finish like the one where the MC reincarnate as a second rate villain in a video game(basically just a story very similar to the Extra's Academy Survival Guide) or the other one with the guy with a living spear(I can't remember the names of the stories lol. I vaguely remember the plot).


Does Kaiser6097 have an alternate account anywhere? Because from what I can tell their account was reported/deleted. Since I can't read the stories, they posted.


@Dragonsofchaos Do let us know when those stories come back


@Dragonsofchaos Damn it I was just looking foward to reading the villainess book


@Dragonsofchaos Yeah he got hit by a copyright strike I think. All of his stories were just copy and pasted translations from other sites, or his own translations. Its hard to tell. But now I have a bunch of stories I wanted to finish like the one where the MC reincarnate as a second rate villain in a video game(basically just a story very similar to the Extra's Academy Survival Guide) or the other one with the guy with a living spear(I can't remember the names of the stories lol. I vaguely remember the plot).


Just posted something I hope you'll give it a read on my profile because I've really enjoyed your books and I hope you'll give my fanfic a read when it comes out


@B_nation1 I just posted a poll on my fanfic called "Y/N morningstar story" I did add you to it with @ but I don't know if it alerted you but this is the fanfic I'm talking about "Y/N morningstar story"


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@B_nation1 It's fine, shit happens.


@Dragonsofchaos well it was a fanfic that was gonna come out in possible a few months called "Y/N morningstar story" but right now I'm putting it on hold until I get a better sense for what I want to do with it so for now I don't have anything sorry for leading you on just lots of changes happening


It really sucks that you don't really make fanfics anymore since Wattpad keeps deleting all of them because it's Wattpad but hey if you want I could make yandere fanfic and dedicate it to you and maybe you can teach me how to write better yandere fanfics
          Because honestly Im not that good at them and need assistance and your like the best one I know that actually makes good ones
          I know this may sound weird but I really want to try to write better fanfics for people to read because let's face it nobody makes really good ones anymore for yandere all they ever do is have the character get attacked immediately and it ends


@B_nation1 Sure, I could give idea's, who knows it may get me to actually get back to making stories and updates again. But I wished wattpad kept the PM's. So we could talk in private without any possible spoilers 


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Okay, another one of my stories just got deleted. This time it being yandere hell. So I unpublished all of my actual stories and will begin working on copying them for other apps/websites later.
          Ps: Wattpad stop with this shit. I am following your guidelines and hadn't violated shit. Outside of certain images, that I already removed. And I've requested appeals for two of my stories. One of which was 13 days ago. So please contact me.


@Dragonsofchaos wattpad don't care about writers at all they fired there moderators and replaced them with AI I think you should make an a03 account and put your story's there this website is dead


Okay, a lot of my stories were deeted a while back. And now, my vegeta/reader story was deleted today. Is there a way for my appeal requests to get noticed. Because I sent one for my glichtale frisk/reader story. And it's been thirteen days with no replies.


Okay, I just had noticed a favorite author of mine's post. And wattpad are actually deleting stories with certain words in it.
          Which is actually true, because I just notices a few of my published stories are DUSTED!


@Dragonsofchaos are you sure and what words specifically? Is it racial, nsfw or is it some stupid words


You have many awesome stories


@Zerothea I can see, where you're coming from. Though I do write stories for fun.
            I tried to make non-yandere stories in the past. And had a few ideas for what stories they could be based around.
            Though whether or not if I publish another story, and fulfill the requirements will be the tricky part.
            I tend to make op reader story's, due to fact I guess I was drawn towards them. And never really written anything else. (It didn't matter if it was male or female, I just like OP characters. Hence, why one or two of my stories are female op reader stories.)
            The no-crossover thing should've been easy in a few of my stories, but I get a lot of ideas, which invovles characters. So I end up tending to go overboard. 
            The yandere thing, yeah. I don't know, why most of my stories are yandere based. I guess, it's because i tried with my first few stories. And I never decided to try and change things up on that front.
            (I am just glad, not all of them are the typical neglect and abuse, bullied or betrayal stories. That would've gotten me extremely annoyed with my past edge-lord self.)


I am worried about your health. Due to you having an unhealthy obsession about Yanderes. Pls make 10 stories without crossovers, op male reader and yanderes. I’m starting to believe that you are going to be 1000 times worst than a normal yandere. And that is saying something. This request from over 50 of my friends on discord and me.


Okay, apparently it's a false alarm.
          Someone, (who's username i won't say to avoid pontential hate for said person.) misunderstood the information.


@Dragonsofchaos I got the same message it kept going on about ‘Wattpad’s discovery systems’ and how they’re less likely to promote a story that hasn’t been updated.


this message may be offensive
@DestroyerKnightAsh Someone had been given a message from wattpad. It was about old books getting promted by updating them.
            Some of the old stories could've been deleted for not "following" wattpad's guidelines or some asshole reporting them.


@Dragonsofchaos Is there evidence that it is true. I did lose 2 to 3 books but they were old books and one of another wattpad user lost their book


Hello everyone, now I've heard something from the grapevines of wattpad.
          Now, apparenlty they're deleting old stories that aren't completed.
          I don't know, how true that is. So I'm putting my stories on 'complete' as a precautuon. But I'll turn it off and back on between pontentialy posting updates.