Who likes Darksiders and Bayonetta?
If yes then what would you say if Bayonetta "Dominated" Death?
and before you get all "Oh but Dante and Bayonetta is better!"
Sure it's the mainstream pairing and me not a Mainstream goer don't really care, but I do admit that it wouldn't be a bad pairing.
But add some variety, have some choices, and plus Death and Bayonetta have a much similar background than you'd think.
Allow me to tell:
Both can be considered Nephilim:
(Spoiler alert) Bayoentta's father is a Lumen sage while her mother is an Umbra witch. While Death was created by the ashes of Angel and Demon.
The two lost their clan/kin:
Bayonetta witnessed her clan's fall while Death's people were willing to destroy anything to get their way and committed genocide and treachery.
Both are sarcastic
Both have a person who I think are like family:
Bayonetta's friendship with Jeanne is like older sister looking out for her younger sister with Jeanne being only 1 year younger.
Death is War's brother and is close to him, he is willing to storm Heaven, Hell Resurrect Humanity and sacrifice his kin's souls all to prove War's innocence.
Both have matching raven hair (See, I went here)
Three and one more:
Three guardians with a being that stands above everything else:
Bayonetta's deities a with Omne and the three Charred Council members with the Creator.
They both are acrobatic (Bayonetta more so)
They are both incredibly fast (Darksiders the Abomination vault was said to have Death very fast while we can already tell that Bayonetta is fast.)
Their mothers are... kinda hot:
Apparently Bayonetta resembles her mother Rosa.
While Death's mom Lol is the Demoness Lord, Lilith who though had upside down wings, horns and a tail her figure and just being Lilith says it all.
Hope I just blew your minds. (ehehehehe, that's what she said!)