
HELLO EVERYONE!!! Thank you for the people☺️ that read all parts of the story. BUT to anyone who ONLY read the first part and not all, I am very disappointed in you people SMH. I  literally cried!!! Uiyrghfiendscpdmscewsk THIS STORY IS VERY MUCH SERIOUS. WE ARE SUCH EXPERTS AT WRITING STORIES WITH AMAZING DELICIOUS PLOTS AND IF THOSE VIEWERS THAT COULDNT UNDERSTAND AND READ ALL PARTS TO THE STORY, THEN YOU ARE SO VERY RUDE YOU CLOWN.


HELLO EVERYONE!!! Thank you for the people☺️ that read all parts of the story. BUT to anyone who ONLY read the first part and not all, I am very disappointed in you people SMH. I  literally cried!!! Uiyrghfiendscpdmscewsk THIS STORY IS VERY MUCH SERIOUS. WE ARE SUCH EXPERTS AT WRITING STORIES WITH AMAZING DELICIOUS PLOTS AND IF THOSE VIEWERS THAT COULDNT UNDERSTAND AND READ ALL PARTS TO THE STORY, THEN YOU ARE SO VERY RUDE YOU CLOWN.