So you remember how I was going to rewrite Inner Demons? Well that's going on right now. I have the prologue pretty near finished, and I'm starting on the first chapter. It's still a fanfiction, but I'm only using Rotty's characters as a side since I'm not comfortable with using them as full protagonists.
Strailyn hasn't changed at all, he's still a shapeshifter and has a bit more of a strict attitude but is laced with sarcasm.
Drake is now Duncan and there's some major differences between the two.
I'm using a similar plot bunny as before, but chapters are going to be about 8000 or so words. That should be enough I hope.
I'm hoping to meet my deadline of March 25th, give or take a few days.
Otherwise, I hope those who really wanted updates feel relieved. I'm sorry if I disappointed. But I'm back and better than ever.