I play roblox, a game called adopt me! And I had an owl (a rare pet to have) and my favorite is a giraffe. Well lemme tell you. I got offered a giraffe, seconds after trading my owl away for a flamingo, crocodile, snow owl, Guardian lion, Arctic Fox (neon), turtle, reindeer (neon), frost fury, and the elf hat. :") never been so mad. I mean I made a good trade, considering the owl is 12/13 dollars, and the flamingo and crocodile both range from 3/5 dollars, lion and frost 3 dollars, neons alone are 3 from the person I buy from. So I profited a lot! 13 dollar owl, where what I got in return was about 23-25 dollars. The giraffe is 25-33. I make no sense but I'm still sad lol.