
Everyone, StarClan has gotten another warrior among it's ranks! My brother's cat, Alfie, had a good, long life and was cared for in his Elder years........ He had 3 legs, but still as cute and energetic as any kitten could be. He will be missed dearly, and I shall stay up all night for the Vigil all Clan cats do after a clanmate dies. If you wish, you may stay up with me as well, even if you're right next door, or across the world. When a clanmate mourns, all Clans mourn. R.I.P Alfie. 2010 - 2025..... 14 long years alive, spent his final ones happily living with my brother, his husband, their chickens, their dog, and other 2 cats. Alfie's brothers, Lunar and Peewee, who died before Alfie, will welcome him to StarClan gladly. Rest In Peace, our little angel, Alfie, for may you have great hunting, swift running, and a warm place to sleep in even the coldest Leaf-bares. You will forever be missed, sweet, baby Alfie. 14 years of life, many more in StarClan. I love you so much, Alfie. I will miss you. Drav3n out........


          	  A place the Clan cats go after death. Go to 


@Drav3nMc10 Sorry about that, but what is StarClan.


Thanks for following me.


@Drav3nMc10 Well you didn't really follow me on your other acount, we mainly just were nice to each other, but thanks again.


            NP! Kinda felt like I had to refollow everyone, yk.


Everyone, StarClan has gotten another warrior among it's ranks! My brother's cat, Alfie, had a good, long life and was cared for in his Elder years........ He had 3 legs, but still as cute and energetic as any kitten could be. He will be missed dearly, and I shall stay up all night for the Vigil all Clan cats do after a clanmate dies. If you wish, you may stay up with me as well, even if you're right next door, or across the world. When a clanmate mourns, all Clans mourn. R.I.P Alfie. 2010 - 2025..... 14 long years alive, spent his final ones happily living with my brother, his husband, their chickens, their dog, and other 2 cats. Alfie's brothers, Lunar and Peewee, who died before Alfie, will welcome him to StarClan gladly. Rest In Peace, our little angel, Alfie, for may you have great hunting, swift running, and a warm place to sleep in even the coldest Leaf-bares. You will forever be missed, sweet, baby Alfie. 14 years of life, many more in StarClan. I love you so much, Alfie. I will miss you. Drav3n out........


            A place the Clan cats go after death. Go to 


@Drav3nMc10 Sorry about that, but what is StarClan.


What's wrong with the old one?


            No, but I'm getting it ready while I can still transfer the stories.


@Drav3nMc10 Are you in your last year of High School.