Hey guys! Sorry I've been so inactive on here lately but I've been caught up with everything to do with cake (I literally can't stop thinking about baking) thank god I'm going to Patisserie School... ANYWAY. My friend and I have been paying lots of attention to a story on our group account lately (@FoxtrotAndTango) called 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: The Atticus Files" and I would really loved if you could check it out. We're so proud of it! The story is about two girls who have just finished school and are trying to figure out what to do with their lives when they are recruited by a spy school and life gets a little more interesting... Please check it out! As for my stories on this account, I had completely forgotten about "Ticket To Wonderland" however I have gotten some new ideas about it recently so I might start it up again soon. But my main work at the moment has been on a story about a street magician named Dusty who is accused of robbing a museum and stealing a priceless magical artefact when she is actually innocent. But she is vengeful, so she goes about clearing her name by tracking down those who set her up, only to be caught up in an enigmatic war between the real and fictitious... It's a fantasy/teenfiction/adventure story so I can't wait until I've written enough to share with you guys. I might end up posting it on my joint account though so make sure to keep an eye out. Other than all l that I hope all of my beloved followers are well and I can't wait to start writing a lot more. HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR!