
Hey guys! I'm not done with tonight's chapter, only have 3 out of my minimum 8 pages written. Last week threw me off my ball game. I'll be posting it later on this week! Dont worry I'm making my way back to have the story out ever Tuesday, just gotta catch up


@DreamCatchingMizuki are you ok? Haven't heard from you for a while.


@DreamCatchingMizuki aww thank you! I should be fine. Hopefully


@DreamCatchingMizuki just make sure you don't over do it wouldn't want you to get sick and get delayed 


I just wanted to let you know someone on Wattpad seems to be using one of your old stories from fanfiction. The story sounded similar to yours, but added extra OCs but the title, summary, and story seemed very similar. The user is Yumiko_Justine the avatar pic is character with a green dress.


@homura691 Thank you very much for letting me know!!


Hey guys! I'm not done with tonight's chapter, only have 3 out of my minimum 8 pages written. Last week threw me off my ball game. I'll be posting it later on this week! Dont worry I'm making my way back to have the story out ever Tuesday, just gotta catch up


@DreamCatchingMizuki are you ok? Haven't heard from you for a while.


@DreamCatchingMizuki aww thank you! I should be fine. Hopefully


@DreamCatchingMizuki just make sure you don't over do it wouldn't want you to get sick and get delayed 


Guys chapter will be out tomorrow! Been busy with the fam and haven't been able to finish it


@DreamCatchingMizuki thank you! I haven't gotten sleep >.<
            I am writing now, so I should be posting it tonight 


@DreamCatchingMizuki that's good to hear usually you would say something, but it's good to hear you are ok and please get some sleep :)


Thank you for worrying about me though! I really appreciate it


Heads up! 
          Hey loves! Unfortunately, I most likely won't be posting tomorrow! I'm at a family members house helping the with some stuff and don't think their crappy computer will work for me to post. I'm going to try but if you don't see the chapter tomorrow night, I will post it Wednesday night once I get home from here! 
          I'm sorry my loves! Let's hope I can get it posted tomorrow! *fingers crossed *


Quick Update: So I just finished dealing with a hurricane. I lasted a week without phone service, power, and wifi. I took advantage of the lack of things to dedicate more time to my stories and write the next chapter. The next chapter "Our Online Romance" is almost done and the next chapter for "The Nobody" is done. Keep a watch on the next updates, they should be out sometime this week once i get them typed up and do one last proofread! Thank you guys for understanding. Love ya lovelies!


hi, there would you mind checking out my story Until My Heart Stops Beating, you might like it :)


Hey! I would love to read your story! I currently don't have electricity because I just had to deal with a hurricane. I should be going to my sister's house soon and after I update one of my stories, I'll begin reading! Until then!


Hey everyone! I wanted to let my few followers no what is going on. I'm not asking for pity, I just feel bad that I haven't uploaded in a bit.
          Life has been tough lately. I ended up losing two family members last year (may they rest in peace) and school and work have been hectic. Also, I have ended up failing one of my college courses last year and it has ended pushing me back a year for graduation :'(. So right now I'm trying to jump back into my stories but feel like my head isn't in the right place. I'm sorry to you guys that are waiting for my stories and promise that once I'm back I'll post a couple chapters for them (maybe two or three) to fully apologize. I also write on fanfiction and have a few stories that I haven't finished on there. I'm trying to set up a schedule on when I update in order to finish ALL of my stories. A lot on my plate. The sad or good part is that my creative brain never stops and everyday I have a new idea for a story and am trying to stop myself from adding to my list. 
          Thank you for listening to my rant. I'm truly sorry. Hope you guys are having a great day. I loves you! Kisses.