Tagged by @axgordon :) They're a friend from DrawCast and a real sweetheart.
Q1: What was the first book you published on WattPad?
A1: The first book I published is the first book in my "Complication" series, then titled the "My Story" series. The book was called, "Dance Like No One's Watching", but is now titled "It's Complicated". Please give it a read!
Q2: What are you wearing right now?
A2: Leggings, a tank top, and a lacy button up XD per usual for me, tbh.
Q3: Quick! Describe your room in one word!
A3: Pink XD
Q4: Halloween or Christmas?
A4: Christmas, hands down. I love messing around with my cousins and catching up with the rest of the fam <3
Q5: Have you broken a bone? If so, how?
A5: Lucky me! I have not *knocks on old oak tree* I did come close while playing on a swing set. I'm still not sure if I actually broke my pinky toe or not, though XD
Q6: What's your favorite memory of your birthday?
A6: My favorite memory is probably my 16th birthday (fairly recent, I know XD) A guy friend of mine ordered a custom tee for me and had it shipped to my house. It arrived about a week after my birthday and I almost cried because I was so excited about receiving it. Sweetest thing to ever happen to me :')
Q7: Do you like K-Pop?
A7: What kind of question is that? Boy, I LOVE K-Pop! And J-Pop. And V-Pop... *guilty smile*
Q8: Who was the last person you hung out with outside of school?
A8: I'm a home-school/online-school child, so I'll say dance class XD I believe it was my friend Madison when she went to Disney World with me~
Q9: What's your ideal birthday wish?
A9: I want a boyfriend, tbh. Preferably, not a jerk and who's not long-distance XD Like, a birthday confession would be awesome. Or a birthday date. Or both. Yeah, both would be really great. I'd love that guy forever~
Challenging @indigoriver , @Sakurablossom25 , and @RyuYoru22 because I love you ^-^ No obligations, though. Doing it is completely your choice <3 <3 <3