
Hey guys! So my previous instagram account got hacked! Username being Dreammaster1065 but now it's being run by a hacker whose using my account to scam people and crap. If any of you have instagram, go block and report the account for being someone else which is me. I rather have the account deleted from the platform instead of it being used by a POS of a person using it to scam people.


Hey guys! So my previous instagram account got hacked! Username being Dreammaster1065 but now it's being run by a hacker whose using my account to scam people and crap. If any of you have instagram, go block and report the account for being someone else which is me. I rather have the account deleted from the platform instead of it being used by a POS of a person using it to scam people.


FNF Characters (+mods) in different games
          BF: the one attempting to rap battle every mob he can
          GF: watches BF's attempts
          Daddy Dearest: Pays herobrine to try and kill BF
          Mommy Mearest: Intentionally causes a raid and doesn't bother to save the village
          Skid & Pump: Experienced minecraft players
          Lemon Demon: the one mob that was added into the nether and players often questioning wtf is he
          Senpai: Running from an enderman after a failed attempt at charming it
          Tankman: declares war creepers after they blew up a part of his house 
          M O D S
          Kapi: a walking creeper repellent
          Tabi: mysteriously blends in with skeletons
          Agoti: often mistaken as a fellow enderman by enderman
          Ayana: the one who loves to keep adorable mobs
          Rebecca: a literal artist in the form of pixel art
          Tricky: the one who calls the nether his home
          Bob: the noob
          Hex: happily cares for a bunch of llamas the wandering trader left behind 
          Whitty: the one to make cake to eat it all by himself cause it gud
          Updike: killing every hostile mob he sees
          Ruv + Sarvente: the two who stay with eachother always and have their bed next to eachother
          Selever: the one who has the balls to flip off herobrine
          Rasazy: enjoys enchanting items


Eyy folks! Listen, so Sia, the music artist, made a movie.
          The movie is named 'Music' and guess what? The movie was about an autistic girl named Music. Surprise surprise! When the movie came out, it was horrific. 
          Here's a list of things WRONG with the movie:
          1. Having the actor playing as music be someone who isn't even on the spectrum
          2. HORRIBLY misrepresenting people who are on the spectrum by a landslide! Having Music be a literal walking stereotype of people who are on the spectrum
          3. Music is not even the main character, she's basically a prop for the actual main character to form a relationship with someone (I was literally screaming at the tv going like "Sia, no you f**king did not just do that)
          4. Putting 2 seperate scenes of a character restraining Music when she was overstimulated which is VERY DANGEROUS!
          5. Sia ignoring the people on Twitter who were on the spectrum advice and suggestions + insulting them
          I am truly disappointed by this movie, I did predict that it wasn't going to be well received in the first place thanks to Sia. This is sadly another one of those cases where someone tries to be 'woke' but ends up making themselves look like a horrible person. I will end on this note...."Sia is better off being and staying as a music artist rather than a movie director"


Additions: Anyone who wants to look into a video informing about the movie and how awful it was. I suggest checking out the YouTuber, Cynical Reviews. He did a lovely job at pointing out so many things wrong with this movie and gave very well spoken explanations all throughout the video.


Alright, real talk.
          There's some sheet going around on the internet about how 7 men made April 24, National R*pe day. People have been making videos about their reactions on the subject but Tik Tok claims that no such video are in the app. People who claimed to have seen the video which sparked this never bother to save or give a link to the thing that sparked the outrage. Conclusion? It's a hoax made up by trolls who had nothing better to do than to stir up the soup and cause panic. 
          If you're going to 'troll' someone, don't make it to the point where people are injured, killed, or negatively impacted by it like what these trolls did with this stunt. Trolling is another way of pranking but it's online. Pranks and jokes are suppose to be funny, they're not suppose to be dangerous, lethal, or potentially damaging to someone's image. I've seen way too much stuff like this going on and still do. Please stay safe, be healthy, and check your facts to make sure you are the best you can be.


Today, I unsubscribed from a youtuber known as FuturisticHub. Want to know why? He actually uploaded a minecraft animation that was ADULT MATERIAL (+18), I was one of the unfortunate to see that horrific animation being on YOUTUBE out of all places. You would've thought someone making adult animation stuff would've left that c**p on p**n hub.(i personally know the site from the memes on it)
          Not only did he post borderline minecraft adult material but also he's going around harassing anyone who tries to criticize him. He did thinks from swatting, to false copyright strike channels, even threatening the youtubers who made videos on him with physical violence . I recommend you instantly unsubscribe from this person who doesn't derserve a pedestal on the platform. 
          (Note: I'm saying this because I'm pretty sure he doesn't have time to get wattpad to search for every user who criticizes him and warning others about him)


@Dream-Master1065 tbh i forgot he even exist


To let you all know, I'll be changing my usernane to Dream-Master1065