I just want to say thank you to anyone who still reads, votes and comments on stories that I started writing when I was about 12/13 and began publishing here when I was about 14. I was just beginning to learn how to write stories and characters, the start of a journey that has continued years after the first time I braved posting a story online for others to read. The support of other writers and readers throughout the years has been a steady encouragement for me to continue writing and working even though I haven't been active on here in a long time. Each time I get a notification from Wattpad letting me know people are still reading my work on here and enjoying it amazes me. I know I've come a long way from my writing at 14 and honestly I'm honored and humbled people EVER let alone STILL enjoy reading it. So, thank you all. My true, sincerest thanks to anyone who has ever, is currently, or will in the future read my first stories. Thank you all and happy reading.