
@SecretKeeper Haha, there's no need to thank me if it's true :)


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Entwined ♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡     
          P.s. The second book Enamoured and spinoff Engulfed are available on Wattpad! ♡ 


Burn me!
          Thanks for vote-bombing The Dragon Chase. 
          As an aside, watching it happen on a phone's notifications is kinda trippy. 


@Arveliot I'm usually a silent reader here but I felt that this particular story deserved as much of a standing ovation as I could give it over cyberspace. I absolutely love war and fantasy stories and having them forged in a masterful telling is pretty much a dream come true. 
            Currently gearing up to read the next installment so you'll probably want to watch for another volley of votes sometime soon. 
            Burn bright, Master Crafter!


Hey guys, I know it's been a while. I'm sorry, this isn't an update, but I would, however, appreciate it if you gave a little of your precious time to read this. It won't take too long, promise. 
          Suicide is not a joke. It is not meant to be taken lightly, it is a horrible reality. When someone says they're going to commit suicide, no matter how much they threaten to do it, please give them a little of your time and tell them that killing themselves isn't the answer.
          This is what happened to one of my oldest friends today. His parents were very strict with him, they were callous with their words and they brought him down at every possible opportunity. He was a brilliant singer and music writer. He had been saying again and again that he was thinking about it, I did everything I could and so did every single one of his friends to make sure he knew that he was loved. Things were finally starting to look better. Then last night, one mutual friend grew impatient and told him to just do it and to stop whining. He did. He downed half a bottle of sleeping pills and texted me that he was grateful for having me as a friend and that he loved me. He asked me not to forget him.
          Please, if you're reading this, know that life is precious. It is a crime to waste it. It is a crime to not save it. It hurts so much to have to speak about him in past tense. So this one is for Julius Agosto. I love you too, bro. Thank you for some of the most amazing experiences of my life. I am proud to have known you. I hope you're better now and trust me when I say that I will never forget you.
          And thank you if you took the time to read this. Please remember that life is precious and suicide or self-harm is never the way. I'm here if anyone needs anybody to talk to! :)


Hai, Skye! :)
          I honestly can't remember how I became a ninja; I became one before the rules were finalised but I do know a place you can get all the information you want to be a ninja - which, I tell you, is an interesting service. Just go to @WPNinjas and take a look at our work section and you should find what you're looking for, darling. 
          Hope that helped, and good luck on getting a slot in the career! :D 
          Shh, its a secret.
          Secret Keeper