Noctuary update (for anyone wondering where it's gone):
I've taken a lot of time to think and pray about this and I hope you will understand my decision. I'm sorry for leaving any of you in the dark.
Posting Noctuary online may not have been the best idea. It was originally a school writing assignment and I considered it non-canon so I didn't see any harm in posting it for others to read, but I quickly realized that it would be an interesting addition to the canon lore of Dreamland, especially seeing how much people - myself included - grew to love Echo.
With that being said, I fear that if I were to post all of Noctuary - and to keep posted what I already had - that I will have trouble publishing if / when that time comes.
I'm honestly unsure if I'm not already too late by this point. I really don't even know if I want to go the route of not simply self-publishing. But I feel that if I want to keep my options open, I should start playing it safe.
I'm so sorry to those who enjoyed reading Noctuary and were eagerly awaiting the next chapter. I hope you will understand my decision and continue to follow me along this journey.
I don't want to think that the story is cancelled. I really do hope to polish it up and publish it one day, but that day is not today. So for now, let's pretend that the world of Noctuary is sleeping. Time frozen still. Peacefully waiting to be awoken from its reverie.
For now, let's just say "sweet dreams."
Thank you.