
Merry Christmas everyone! I got a dino plushie and I love them :D (Their name is Seri because it says that on the card but their full name is Seri Femur Nugget Charls Simon the 1st and that is a mouthful to say but I really love zem, zey use They/Zem pronouns because they look like they do and their hobbies are playing Minecraft, sleeping, writing, and make coffee don't ask why I am giving zem a personality and a personal life I have not seen anyone but my family for 3 week because of quarantine-)


Merry Christmas everyone! I got a dino plushie and I love them :D (Their name is Seri because it says that on the card but their full name is Seri Femur Nugget Charls Simon the 1st and that is a mouthful to say but I really love zem, zey use They/Zem pronouns because they look like they do and their hobbies are playing Minecraft, sleeping, writing, and make coffee don't ask why I am giving zem a personality and a personal life I have not seen anyone but my family for 3 week because of quarantine-)


I sent an ang to watch over you yesterday, but they came back. I asked then 'Why', they chuckled, "Angels don't watch over other angels"
          Twenty angels are in your world, 10 of them are sleeping and nine of them aren't and one of them is reading this message. The universe has seen you struggling with some days, days, it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in Karma, send this to 14 of your friends, including me. If I don't get this back I'm not one of them. (As soon as you get 5 back, someone you love will quietly surprise you... Not joking.)
          Pass this message on and don't ignore it. You are being tested. Karma is going to fix two big things tonight in your favour. If you believe in karma, drop everything and pass this in. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Send this to 14 friends in 10 minutes, it's not that hard.
          Whoever else sends it to you must care about you


Bish I'm bored! Call me!


@Dream_Spleens Well, I'm coming 2 ur house today, and I will bring ur be-lated birthday present! ALso, SHE RESPONDED DISNK>SNFKA>SA


Somehow my stories all got deleted. I don't know how and now I have to make new stories.


@SpleensorTonsils  Same. But seriously, WTH


@SpleensorTonsils I can see the stories, maybe its the glitch or something.


You know.I have been thinking a lot since sense I have been in quoentine. What is the meaning of life?Am I actually in a dream and my real self is just dreaming there past?When do I come out to my parents? Okay actually the last one is just me being scared to tell my family that I am bisexual. Anyways I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night my children bye!


@SpleensorTonsils  That's deep, Lauren. For your birthday, would you like option:
            A) * ******* ********
            B) *******
            or A+B?
            I'm running out of ideas