Hi! I'm a meif'wa, shadow knight, daughter of Irene, daughter of the shadow lord, a spy for tula, and celestial wizard. I may or may not have a really bad problem with reading way too many Garroth X Readers and I may or may not be reading a lot of Aaron X Readers because of Aphmau's episode 81 in Minecraft Diaries Season 2. I like to write and draw for fun and I get really hyper and excited when I gain a follower. I will try to put out 1-2 chapters in a book a day when I can, at least 1 per day though. Please give me suggestions if you have them and if you have a story recommendation I will be glad to look at it. I try to follow all of my followers and I love music so in some of the stories I might put music. Story schedule and contact info below
Monday: Lost and Found
Tuesday: The Misfits
Wednesday: new book
Thursday: The Beginning of the End
Friday: Short Story
Saturday: What ever book I want
Sunday: Ranting, Theories, and other Random Stuff + if I have time, a random book
Please read below
That boy doing his homework in his room? Last night he committed suicide.
That girl you just called fat? She is starving herself.
The old man you made fun of because of the ugly scars? He fought for our country.
The girl you called ugly? She spent hours putting on makeup so that people will like her.
The guy you made fun of for crying? His mother is dying.
Put this on your profile if you are against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't do it.
98% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber about to jump off a skyscraper. If you are the 1% sitting in a lawn chair eating popcorn screaming DO A BACKFLIP or the 1% that climbed up and pushed him off the skyscraper, copy and paste this as your status.

  • JoinedJuly 27, 2016