
More updates on I Am Balance!


In a couple of days, I Am balance will be taken down due to a complete rewrite. If your still reading or wanted to begin, I apologise in advance. I have completed the first rewrite chapter and very much am happier with the product. Please bare with me and I will post the new version soon.


Hey guys, Just letting you know for all those who have or still reading 'I Am Balance' there has been an update to some chapter of newly edited work and still continuing. The biggest change is additional content in some and an extra chapter/split of chapter. Enjoy day ;)


I would like to apologise to all who are waiting for the I am Balance sequel 'The forgotten', the book will be discontinued as of today. I have found it difficult to work with the structure and as much as the story has great potential I do not feel the process coming to me. Currently I have been accepted to work on some illustration for comic book and will be posting very little. In the mean time I will be writing a small novella project called 'Inhuman' revolving around native american influences and supernatural. I am hoping by the end of the year to have somewhat of an idea when the I Am Balance may come to life as a book, but everything is still in its pilots stages. Okay, enjoy your day lovely souls and I will keep you up to date.


AHH! Editing is so long, and I'm finding my character are lacking the slight British feel. So, asking all who live or have gone to England, what is it like? What stands out most? What slang is most common amongst friends?Strangers? How does school life really go about? All this answeres would be appreciated for some insight. Even with some family living over in England I can't ask these question due to no contact.