
Is everything okay?


@katrupp03 Hello! yes everything is okay. I've been super busy (per the usual) and senior year is just flat out crazy. I've been focusing on my schoolwork for a bit, but finally I've been finding a little time to write. I promise I haven't forgotten about your story, and will be working on it next.  :)


How’s it going? Is everything okay?


@katrupp03 also, I love your new profile picture 


@katrupp03 Hello! I've been my usual crazy busy self. But good. I've been working on a fun Christmas surprise and the newest chapter of my Raph story. then I'll be working on the next chapter of the Donnie story you requested!


How’s it going?


@katrupp03 So as soon as I'm done with chapter three of my Raph story, I'll write the next chapter of the Donnie one.


@katrupp03 Hello! Sorry for not responding sooner, I've been pretty busy these past few days. But I wanted to give you a heads up that I've decided to alternate focus between my books. Basically I'm going to write a chapter for one, then focus on writing a chapter for the other, then back to the first and so on. I just want to make sure I give equal  attention to both books.


You still got the other part of the episode info I send you?


@katrupp03 I do, but thank you so much for reposting it! I'll get started as soon as I can!


Here’s the second part for 'Rise of the Turtles (Part 2)' in case you forgot: In a strange facility, Danisha was as scared and frightened like her uncle was with so many questions in her mind while worried about what these strange men are gonna do to them. Even when they tried to escape, these strange men are very emotionless to answer them and made sure they never escape. However, the O'Neils saw the four turtles fighting the men again and Dani corrected April when she called the purple-masked turtle named Donatello a lizard. Suddenly, Danisha was shocked and scared to see alien robots with brains on their chests as they take her, her cousin, and her uncle away, just before the turtles can free them.
            As they're taken to a helicopter, Dani was scared and worried about where these strange aliens are taking them until Donatello came to their rescue, but both April and Dani fall off the helicopter and the turtle caught them, leaving the girls feel terrified, but sad that Kirby was taken away and never to be seen again, then they headed to where the other turtles are as they are fighting off a weed-like mutant plant and Dani saw Donatello's brothers' are leading the monster and aliens to the generator, which made her realized what their plan is and made a conclusion that this plan is BOTH incredibly stupid and brilliant.
            At their aunt's apartment, Dani was worried about her uncle and smiled when Donatello reassured her and April that they won't rest until he and his brothers find them and blushed a little when he touched her hand before they bid each other goodbye, which
            made Dani believe that she has gained new friends in New York.


How’s it going?


How’s the edit?


@katrupp03 As a heads up, I decided to just go ahead and make Dani's backstory into a prologue, so it's now its own chapter. I will post that part and chapter one (part one of rise of the turtles) tomorrow.


How’s it going? Just checking on you.


@katrupp03 I would love to add it to the description because I feel so honored that you've trusted me with your idea! (if you feel more comfortable not having it that's fine)


Well, if it’s okay with you.


@katrupp03 Hello. I know you are most likely asleep since it's so late where you are, so no rush to answer this, but would you mind if in the book's description at the very end I say 'Requested by @katrupp03.'? No worries if not, I'll just give you a shout out at the beginning/end of the chapter instead. :)


How’s it going?


Well, I’ll tell you when your oc will visit the turtles' lair and your oc will tell the turtles about her backstory in Season 2, as well as Splinter telling her that he saved her.


@katrupp03 I mean later as in when the turtles show the girls their home. Basically a short scene add in. it's okay if not, but i think it'd be cool to at one point in the story tell who the hooded hero was. And yes, I write down all info you give me.


How’s it going?


@katrupp03 Sorry but no. I'm a slow writer, plus I'm pretty busy. But I am working hard, and writing whenever I get the chance. I really am so sorry that I take so long. 


So, you’re almost done?


@katrupp03 Hello! First off I'm so sorry I didn't respond sooner, I've been crazy busy these past few days preping for my SAT. But it's going pretty well! I've been working on chapter one throughout the week and so far I'm pretty happy with how everything is turning out!


How’s it going?


@katrupp03 Perfect! And of course I'll let you know first!


Well, 1) you are free to create some ideas in, but tell me first, and 2) Yes.


@katrupp03 okay cool! I'll let you know what I decide on. Also. since I've never done a requested story before I appreciate your patience with me and all my questions. So just two more for now, and they kinda go together. A) am I allowed creative freedom/can I add my own style and/or ideas in, and if so how much (which ties into the next part) B) how exactly do you picture the system of this working. Like are you thinking that for each chapter you give me on outline of what you want and I write it. Sorry to bother, I just want to make sure that I do a good job with your idea :)


Excuse me? Can I ask you something?


@katrupp03 I'm so excited for this!