
I don't even recognize Wattpad anymore. How do I navigate?????


*Sighs* Honestly, I have no excuses other than I've been really lazy and unmotivated to write lately. For the past two weeks, I have been saying "Today I'll write." But then I always end up coming up with some kind of an excuse. Although I will blame some of this on my boyfriend. We talk 24/7. But anyways, I'm really sorry I haven't updated anything. I just need that spark to write again, and I'm gonna try this weekend. I'm not gonna promise anything, just in case. But hopefully there will be a new chapter, and more, this weekend. <3


Hey guys! I know its been a long time since I've updated but now I'm going to have time! The thing that kept me so busy all the time is now coming to an end, so i can start writing again without stressing about it. I will be starting a new writing schedule in about three weeks or so, and possibly another story will be written by then, which may be about My Boyfriend  So before I start on a new chapter of Once Upon A Princess, I'm going to be fixing all the chapters and reading them all again so i remember some stuff and that way I'm all caught up. I know, I'm a horrible writer that doesn't even remember some stuff from old chapters  But anyways, I hope you all are having a super wonderful day! ❤