Hello, I would like to talk personally with you. Are you on any other social media platform? I need a help. I'm really sorry if I end up making you cry but I need this help. I hope you understand.

@SuanganaPaul thanks for sharing this with me, I know this is one of the toughest phase but time heals everyone... So will she and also you ... It might not be complete but atleast times makes us stable...

@SuanganaPaul yes, it's the exact point. Surrounding persons can't change your thoughts completely as long as you don't want want to, it's always the first step which is hardest, I am sure once she gets on the first step everything will fall in place itself . But until then, you, your family has to be with her. Usually if anyone is like this, out of anger, frustration or emotions people say... Umm... Like she is not in her right state of mind, but I would suggest to not say like this infront of her, as she might be very sensitive right now, it can hurt deeply. If ond is gone, we can't change that but we have to show the love to the one who is with us.... Make her feel that she has many other person to take care of as well as who takes care of her.

@SuanganaPaul yes, family is the greatest help at this time, I am happy your family is taking her for therapy, I hope she will be fine too... Controlling Panick attacks are not in any person's hand other then her, you can only comfort her but at last she has to overcome this darkness.