
A little project for you all.
          	I need help with a "Lore Tab" for my newest Destiny OC's sniper rifle. It must include details about him finding the female Eliksni hatchling, adopting her, realizing what might happen if he went back to the Tower with her and at least 10 or 11 sentences/paragraphs with the aforementioned details in the style of the actual Exotic Lore Tabs in D2.
          	The best one will be used for the weapon and you'll see which one I chose. I will also give my thanks ahead of time to those that submitted ideas and didn't have theirs chosen. I'm sure that they were good ideas and that it was a hard choice to decide which to use.


A little project for you all.
          I need help with a "Lore Tab" for my newest Destiny OC's sniper rifle. It must include details about him finding the female Eliksni hatchling, adopting her, realizing what might happen if he went back to the Tower with her and at least 10 or 11 sentences/paragraphs with the aforementioned details in the style of the actual Exotic Lore Tabs in D2.
          The best one will be used for the weapon and you'll see which one I chose. I will also give my thanks ahead of time to those that submitted ideas and didn't have theirs chosen. I'm sure that they were good ideas and that it was a hard choice to decide which to use.


For those of you who are reading my Multiverse book, I'm currently working on an entirely different part to give you something to read whilst I continue working on the Gears chapter. So the Gears part will be a little longer, I deeply apologise...


          Adolf Hitler approved the project to distribute inflatable sex dolls to his soldiers, which could be transported in their backpacks in order to give them an option to avoid places of prostitution in Paris.


@Dredgen_Hope thank you drifter


@Dredgen_Hope Weird fact but ok


Got a question for y'all.
          What if, one day you go to bed, close your eyes to sleep, only to open them hours later and you find yourself in a black room with someone dressed in white sitting at a table and gestures to the seat opposite him, as if to say "Sit. Let's talk".
          He tells you that he's God and made a mistake. Your death was an accident (Yes, I'm using that stereotypical "Isekai" situation) because he only wrote down a name not thinking of who he was actually supposed to have pass on to the next world. He tells you that you have multiple options.
          1) You can go back to your body and continue living as normal, like you didn't even die.
          2) You go to any fictional world of your choosing and at what point in time you enter that world at. Also, depending on what world you've picked you get to decide what your power, equipment, skills, so on and so forth are/is.
          2.5) Whatever fictional world you've chosen to go to and you've decided on "same as [this character]", you replace them. Example "I want to go to the world of BnHA and I would like to have the same power as Katsuki Bakugou." You become Bakugou and replace him as all memories of him begin to change slightly, it only depends on what your gender is. If male, nothing changes. If female, those memories replace Male Bakugou with Female Bakugou.
          2.5.2) If you select option 2 and go down path 2.5 and you select a character with certain aspects that wouldn't really look good in their impending career, you go through a [Redemption Arc] to get better. Using Bakugou as an example again, you get yourself a significant other that doesn't like you swearing and only allows you to do so when training because of any pent up stress you may have.
          {I'd like to see what you'd choose down in the reply box below}


@Dredgen_Hope in that case I would go to the PJO universe as a son of Hades(replacing Bianca), with the three tomoe Sharingan and the cursed seal of Heaven from Naruto, the quirk cremation and the healing factor, sword skills and Devil triggers of Dante, Nero and Vergil from DMC. 