
I totally forgot to announce: I completed my National Novel Writing Month goal, of 60,000 words! Yay :D
          	I started off with a 10,000 word headstart, so I thought that it was only fair for me to type up an extra 10k to finish as an equal, with all the others who've participated. It was a fun journey; a struggle, for sure, but it's taught me a lot about writing as a whole, and me, myself and I!
          	Many thanks to @wordsinsilk @AliceZhou and @Pitboz22 and many others for being the best motivational support team ever! I dislike the phrase 'I couldn't have done it without you guys!' but... In this instance, it's so true :)
          	So, where now? Of course, I will still be writing Apokalypsis like mad, though currently I am focusing my attention on a new novelette in the making, which I can officially tell you is going to be called...
          	Bare Bones:
          	Despite being 21, Mati has yet to live her life. Unthinkingly, she exists in a world that has sucked the breath right out of her. Dead-end job, no friends or family, living in a cramped flat in the towering blocks of London.
          	But what happens when that life ends… When *her* life ends, for good?
          	Sooo, what do you think? I just realised, the last sentence sounds SO much like AliceZhou's wonderful Harley, but worry not, I am not going to plagarise her awesome work ;)
          	If you've read this much, then woah! Here's an imaginary medal, for putting up with me.
          	Have a nice day, wherever you are in this wonderful world!


@Pitboz22 Ooh, that sounds awesome. I cannot wait to read it :D


@Dredloc Nice! My story will have the same length too! After all, it's only the prelude to the main story. :) Things will happen, eventually! :P


@wordsinsilk Hmm, that could work too. Thanks for the suggestion :)
          	  @Pitboz22 I've written around 75% of it, and planned all of it. It's just a matter of writing down the rest and going back to do the once-over :) Oh, it's not an epic or anything haha, it's only a novelette, 10k words now, looking to be ~17k


I don't know if you are open to request critiques/feedback, but if you seem would you mind giving me some advice on my book? It's amazing that you've been writing since you were 8! I only started a year ago so I'm completely clueless about some things. If you aren't open to critiques, I'm sorry for the bother!


Are you still alive? We need to complete our pairing :3 Would appreciate it if you did mine whilst I do yours as assigned ^~^


@iCrazy_Kuku Haha, you too Kuku :D


@Dredloc Thanks, it's okay cx Glad you're alive. Take care Dred. x


@iCrazy_Kuku I'm here, just haven't been able to focus on Wattpad these past few days. Thanks for checking in on me, and doing the pairing. I'm at yours now :)


I totally forgot to announce: I completed my National Novel Writing Month goal, of 60,000 words! Yay :D
          I started off with a 10,000 word headstart, so I thought that it was only fair for me to type up an extra 10k to finish as an equal, with all the others who've participated. It was a fun journey; a struggle, for sure, but it's taught me a lot about writing as a whole, and me, myself and I!
          Many thanks to @wordsinsilk @AliceZhou and @Pitboz22 and many others for being the best motivational support team ever! I dislike the phrase 'I couldn't have done it without you guys!' but... In this instance, it's so true :)
          So, where now? Of course, I will still be writing Apokalypsis like mad, though currently I am focusing my attention on a new novelette in the making, which I can officially tell you is going to be called...
          Bare Bones:
          Despite being 21, Mati has yet to live her life. Unthinkingly, she exists in a world that has sucked the breath right out of her. Dead-end job, no friends or family, living in a cramped flat in the towering blocks of London.
          But what happens when that life ends… When *her* life ends, for good?
          Sooo, what do you think? I just realised, the last sentence sounds SO much like AliceZhou's wonderful Harley, but worry not, I am not going to plagarise her awesome work ;)
          If you've read this much, then woah! Here's an imaginary medal, for putting up with me.
          Have a nice day, wherever you are in this wonderful world!


@Pitboz22 Ooh, that sounds awesome. I cannot wait to read it :D


@Dredloc Nice! My story will have the same length too! After all, it's only the prelude to the main story. :) Things will happen, eventually! :P


@wordsinsilk Hmm, that could work too. Thanks for the suggestion :)
            @Pitboz22 I've written around 75% of it, and planned all of it. It's just a matter of writing down the rest and going back to do the once-over :) Oh, it's not an epic or anything haha, it's only a novelette, 10k words now, looking to be ~17k


@dleroy803 Hey, sounds like our stories are pretty similar! Ah yes, back in pre-school, we were all authors and illustrators... Albeit not too great ones, but hey, that's not the point ;)
          There's something wonderful, about old, bound books. I totally get what you mean as well, about how fun it is to write, and be able to share it with people on this wonderful website. What you write about seems awesome! You make me want to check it out :)


Your cover is absolutely stunning! Well I hated writing until one rainy night when I was about 13 I picked up the pencil and started writing about the weather. Somehow, it turned into something more. A story about my life, my friends, and school. I typed it up and started posting it on a forum board for  39 clues. I started high school the following year and met someone who was writing on wattpad. (I discovered wattpad in the summer before freshmen year) she urged me to continue writing and she became my silent reader. She wanted me to post on wattpad, but I didn't until a year later. Now, I completed my first book after almost 2 1/2 years. Its crazy how writing had now become my escape... <3


@MoonlightHunter3 Ah, thank you! I can't take the credit however, as my wonderful friend @AliceZhou created it for me. And multiple banners, too! She did a great job :D


@Dredloc thank you! I was talking abt the cover for Apokalypsis


@MoonlightHunter3 Hi there, thank you for such a nice compliment! Which cover do you have in mind? :)
            That really is a sweet story, thank you very much for sharing it with me. I also met someone who was on Wattpad, and convinced me to join. It's awesome how we can share things with friends, especially creative objects that we have designed entirely on our own.
            It's great to know that you plucked up the courage to post on Wattpad, and congratulations on completing your first novel! That sure is one epic achievement. :)