
I started the next part of the saga: "Lost". Find out exactly what was lost and by whom. ;)


I noticed that part 2 of the Ignaius-saga got significantly less views than the other parts and decided to change the title. I was speculating that maybe the Latin is possibly what makes the title less approachable. I am very curious to see, if this was a good move or bad move.


You maybe noticed that my posting schedule has become a little erratic. There was a mix of real life issues and motivational issues to balme for it and I can not guarantee that I will stay on track in the near future, but I can promise you that I will continue posting, hopefully roughly twice a week, but I will break with the strict schedule with posting on Tuesdays and Fridays.


I decided to break with my usual posting shedule of posting every Tuesday and Friday. I have a little more time right nowand know that I may not be able to post for a while soon. So why not take advantage of the free time and get some more material out?