
I'm going to start to get back into writing. Expect my page to be messy for a while, but I've improved a lot and I'm excited to share what I've written!


Hi guys! Sorry for not updating in a while. I'm working on editing the first chapter of Dreamy dangers (again) because I wasn't happy with how it turned out. I also am developing a new story based off another dream I had a few days ago. I hope it turns out like I picture it! I'm not sure when I'll be adding more chapters to any of my other books, or which ones I'll work on. Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks for sticking with me. I really appreciate all the support<3


A while ago I just finished editing the first chapter to Dreamy Dangers. I'm so proud of what I've accomplished with this story so far. I remember being in middle school or maybe even elementary and writing my very first draft of it. Back then it was just a few short paragraphs. From there I've added a lot more to the story and now it's 16 chapters and a prologue. After the editing of the book, it will probably be even longer with even more detail. I hope that I can add more to my characters to make you fall in love with them. I want them to be not only relatable, but also unique to themselves. And hopefully by January I'll be starting on the second book in the trilogy.
          I love you all<3 Thank you for keeping me going just by voting and reading. I know the number of views is just a number, but to me it's my motivation and my reason to keep writing. I'm not sure how popular my books will get, but as long as I have just a few people reading, and have a story that I'm in love with, it doesn't matter. So whether you're a reader, a writer, or both, keep finding inspiration in the little things. I believe in all of you.


Over the past few days, I've learned a lot about myself. I know who my true friends are, and I've gotten a lot of them back. I know that the stupid argument, now dead, affected us all negatively. Even when we were enemies, we had so much in common. I'm glad I have you guys back. I missed you so much.
          Never take friendship for granted and always communicate. It'll go a long way.


Hi guys!
          I've been working on my new book: The Words of Pathetic Liars.
          This is a true story about recent things that have been happening to me.
          I'll try to get the next two chapters posted soon: Sophomore Innocence and Freshman Sexting.
          Please remember that not everyone has morals. Bullying and harassment are never okay. Always go with your instinct, and always do the right thing. Because preventing someone from being arrested is morally right, and nobody should harass anyone because of their own selfishness.