YO YO POOKS, (≡^∇^≡) Alright, so I was rereading chapter 25, and I have to say—something about the MC’s actions in this part really caught my attention. Σ(゜゜) Like, I don’t know if you did this on purpose or if my brain just decided to latch onto it, but it was strange. And not just a little strange—like, genuinely “what am I even reading right now??? (•.•)” kind of strange. But what really gets me is how Luffy reacts to it. I mean, I know he’s unpredictable, but this? ( ☉д⊙) This was a whole new level of weird. It stood out so much, especially considering how intense the situation is (●・ч・)??There’s this big, crucial moment happening, a serious fight unfolding, and yet here we are, witnessing this baffling interaction that just doesn’t sit right with me. w( ̄△ ̄;)w!
I keep thinking about it because, honestly, it feels so uncharacteristic for Luffy. (´⌒`;) Maybe I’m missing something, or maybe you’re setting something up for later, but I had to stop and process what I just read because… huh?? ι(´Д`υ) It’s like my brain short-circuited trying to make sense of it (ノ_-;)… And the more I think about it, the weirder it gets. (๑°ㅁ°๑)‼
Anyway, if you actually read all of this, congrats—I just successfully wasted your time. (≧∇≦)/ Hope you have a great day, stay safe, and whatever you do, please do not spontaneously combust. (〃∀〃)ゞ
xoxo, Lilth.