
Update on the Author who Plagiarised my Story.
          	It seems the author, Atharva Mishra, has removed the story.
          	I'm glad he removed it, and I hope nothing like this happens again.


@ Drinor7  That's good. I reported this guys book yesterday


@Drinor7 the land of waves and forest of death you skipped them


@Drinor7 also off topic but can you please add the chapters your supposed to add your story is missing like two story arcs for conquerer of the shinobi world 


I want to ask why you change the character for Mr Leonhart? Because if he stay the same as he is in canon this story still won't change right?
          For example the character for Mr Finger (i hope you can give him a name Oliver in tribute for Pieck original design and name who is a middle-aged man name Oliver Pieck) stay the same as he is in canon by the way Pieck mentioned him.
          Pieck switch side even tho by doing so she endangered her dad and ask Eren in return for her dad to be healed. I can see Annie doing the same and ask Eren to heal her dad leg injury and for his dad to be made a paradisian citizen for them to be reunited.


@Drinor7 Pieck's father don't have a name in canon. He only refers as Finger in anime and manga. That's why the name Oliver seems to be a perfect choice since Pieck original name was Oliver Pieck and the original design actually looks like Pieck's father.
            Speaking of canon you also introduce something that isn't in canon which is an original idea of blessed eldian. The subject of blessed eldian is taboo in marley right and it could be suggested that blessed eldian could be a messiah type figure for the eldian race so that's why it's taboo and forbidden in marley to be mentioned and could be a way for Annie or even Reiner and  Bertholdt to join paradise side without their canon family relationship got altered.
            Also Yelena also know from the start how hypocrite marley is right, she is an ethnic marleyan who pretend to be not a marleyan and got exposed by Pieck and Magath.


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@zerochange Annie is not like Yelena at all; she knows from the get-go that Marley has fed them bullshit, so she’s not a character who would ever see Eren as a Saviour. She wanted to return to her father very much, so if her father was the same as he was in Cannon. Annie would have died shortly after the Female Titan Arc.
            I mean Pieck’s father name can be Oliver. I don’t remember if his character is ever given a name in Canon.


@ Drinor7  isn't there a possible way for Annie to betray Marley and keep being with her father like Pieck does? For example Annie still fall in love with Eren and having a Yelena moment where he see Eren as a messiah like figure for the eldian. I mean you said in ao3 or ffn that this story is inspired by Age of Titans by Kairomaru and in that story it exactly just that.
            Since i'm kind of wanted to see how Eren interact with his father in law since right now his current confirm future in law that he is on good term with is Sasha's parent and if Pieck join the harem then Pieck's dad can have a good relation with Eren as well.
            Btw can Pieck dad be name Oliver? In tribute for Pieck Original name and concept.


When Pieck join the harem will she will have her own solo lemon debut chapter like Mikasa, Ymir, Historia, Annie and Sasha did? Will you write she taken advantage of her personal quirk?
          For example Mikasa as seen in aot final season in that jail cell scene is agree by all that she has the biggest breast amongs the character and Eren is attracted towards that, Sasha love eating more than others so she can use her mouth to give Eren the best head amongs any of his lovers which in her debut is exactly what she did, for Pieck it is agree by all aot fans that she has the biggest and best ass amongs all the female character of aot so will she be using it to her advantage and make Eren drawn towards it?


Hey this is the potential Eren x Pieck daughter base of this fanart i saw.
          What do you think?


@ Drinor7  btw Drinor is it possible for Historia and Mikasa child following canon? Historia will have a daughter and Mikasa have a son.


@ Drinor7  speaking of Pieck when she join the harem and have her own lemon solo debut chapter will you write Eren advantage of her personal quirk?
            For example Mikasa as seen in aot final season in that jail cell scene is agree by all that she has the biggest breast amongs the character and Eren is attracted attracted towards that, Sasha love eating more than others so she can use her mouth to give Eren the best head amongs any of his lovers which in her debut is exactly what she did, for Pieck it is agree by all aot fans that she has the biggest and best ass amongs all the female character of aot so will she be using it to her advantage and make Eren drawn towards it.


@ Drinor7  according to the artist the eyes is inherit from Carla


In empire of titans will you Include the main character from the spin off like harsh mistress of the city and garrison girl since they also from the current timeline.
          Maybe also add before the falls character when eren using the path.