
this message may be offensive
yk ur becoming a bookworm when u start bringing books instead of ur phone to the toilet when u take a shit


@DrippyPhil_ I bring my phone into the toilet so it's ok


omg yall im current reading check and mate and i started reading the part where they actually start to play chess so i spent about half an hour looking for a chess simulation website where i can control both sides. after i found it i read a couple sentences down and they stop descibing the scenes with files and ranks (aka the numbers and letters on the board) and skipped over the whole game to the part where shes was winning. wtfff i just spent so long just looking for that website for nothing!??!?!?


omg how are you doing ? 


            good luck with that! I'm just doing spreadsheets and trying to actually get motivation to write. 


@elexnorislingtxn good, im currently grinding on an assignment we had like 4 months to do and its due today  hbu?


i fcking hate those asexual people that feel the need to say "im asexual so idk how to feel about this" "im asexual so i hope she gets with no one and becomes a baddie" or sm like that on EVERY SINGLE PARAGRAPH. like girl we get it and if ur asexual why r u reading a romance book and complaining after every single romantic sentence like what..