How would y'all feel about a flat Stanley parody centered around Poland?
Would y'all prefer a rating of G, PG, or PG 13?
I'm making it whether y'all want it or not, I just wanted to see what y'all thought.
How would y'all feel about a flat Stanley parody centered around Poland?
Would y'all prefer a rating of G, PG, or PG 13?
I'm making it whether y'all want it or not, I just wanted to see what y'all thought.
So, a lot of shit just went down tonight. My country is being held hostage by a carrot and his cult. Said cult just stormed the government building and proved the police to be utterly defensless against the far right. Especially when a selfie opportunity pops up.
Should I make a separate book for protest (well, okay more likely vent) stuff or should I continue with my kitchen sink approach?
@JustSkulkingAround I'll probably make a separate book for the sake of keeping things organized. The one shots book is a bit more on the fun side, though it does have more of a following (if a handful of readers can be called a following)