I finished the poem entitled, "The Train" for you, at long last xD I've had it done for awhile, I just never got around to typing it, my sincerest apologies.. So yes, I'll be sure to email/ PM you that.. c: I really do hope you like it ^-^ Also, hope school's going alright for you.. And if you wouldn't mind saying hey to Tori ( Prussia, teehee ) that'd be lovely too.. Thanks kindly as always :D .. Hope your Halloween went alright, and I wish you a positively fabulous evening ^^
Your friend,
Hawkeye :)
< PS: keep writing, you've got some pretty awesome, astounding skills at it, never ever forget that. It's an utmost honour to have the opportunity to read your work, you've improved so much >:D I'm sure one day, you'll be famous, and you're even super nice on top of it all, so yes.. Stay fabulous!! XDDDDD
Haha... Nevermind my ramblings, I tend to go on like that, lol... XD -///- >