
LAST CHAPTER OF “DAMAGED”- (Dolan Twins) UP TONIGHT! This chapter actually made me emotional to write, thank you to everyone who read from the beginning to now, y’all were my motivation, If you didn’t vote or comment but still read and enjoyed the story, I love you, thank you so much!


hey i hope you're doing well, please drink enough water and don't skip meals MOST IMPORTANTLY youre GORGEOUS and loved. i enjoy reading your book so much im genuinely in love with it so just ignore all the hate you received because youre worth than that and in case no one told you this today ; i love you <333 *hugs and kisses*


you shouldn't listen to them! their not you, this is your choice. whatever makes you happy, do it. there may be people trying to break you down, but let me tell you that you shouldn't care one bit, stand tall and stay confident because it's your life, and their just the doubts in your head. whenever that happens to me, I usually not care at all, because I listen to the positive commentings, it gives motivation. now dont listen to those filthy mudbloods (lmao) and do what you want, not giving a damn about those haters! were here for chu! ❤


Listen, girl, don't listen to that boneheads, you ARE AMAZING, same for your storyies. Here is my advise: block those jerks, sorry for my languste, and be strong. We, the ones who appreciate you, are here no matter what. I'm a Romanian girl, and believe me, your storyies are one of the best.
          Sorry for my eventual mistakes, English is not my natural language. We love you ❤❤❤❤


this message may be offensive
Hi, I am really sorry about the fucking assholes who wrote negative things. I loved ur smut book, it was the best one I've ever read. Just know that we'll be here to support you no matter what. Take care and I hope you feel better. We love you Queen ❤❤❤ and we hope u feel better soon. Sending love to you ❤❤❤