
Hey, are you alright? I haven't seen any of your comments lately


Oh hey! Been a real while, yea. Good to hear you're housed again!


@GPedia been a while but I was able to get a place to live with myfamily^_^


Sorry to hear that. I'm sorry I can't do much more than wish you luck at this point. I've heard bad things about shelters in the West, hopefully you're able to climb back out. Good luck and godspeed.
            I've... honestly been ok. Had a bad storm in our area, and got a nasty mold infestation that's knocked my asthma into high gear, and pumped vegetable prices sky-high, but we're fine here otherwise. I'm missing college here because I can barely breathe without effort right now, but at least I'm not flooded in, a large part of our city has standing water waist high. We had nearly a week of constant rain and wind, and both dam reservoirs nearly overflowed.