@Dstephen37 here's the basics of the DC idea, We're the Son of John Constantine & we moved to Gothem when we're 20 after we learn there a Ocault increase there & to increase our knowledge in the mystics arts, When we're dealing with a Powerful Demon we died the first time & meet Death for the first time & found out our Metahuman ability Regeneration (Wolverine/Deadpool level), After that we talk to her every time we die & gain a very close friendship, When one night we meeting dad again & catching up with everything the Bats ask for our help with a Occult thing they cant deal with, which ends us up dying again, but we wake up in the League of shadows & end up getting trained because the demon was to collect us to them so we can here there offer which we took, Our preferred combat is Magic, knifes & Hand to Hand, & any other skills they teach but we died consintly bbecause we cant die our traing is harder & due to the amout we died we see Death even more regularly to the point we gain romantic feelings for them, after there traing we move back home, Thoughts?
Basicly a Magic Batman when it comes to skills we luernt but with personality, Morality, etc of our own