
Hello! I just wanted to stop by your page and thank you for adding "The Grandmaster's Son" to your reading and for following my page! I'm honored and humbled. I hope you enjoy Oz's adventures and find hours of entertainment on my page :)))


Hi! Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you enjoy everything my profile has to offer. Hopefully my notifs won't annoy you too much lol
          If you're interested (and I feel kinda odd for asking, trust me!) I have a new short story for a contest posted. I'd enjoy seeing your thoughts. If you like it, a vote on chapter one will help me advance!
          Thank you again! And by the way, THAT ITTY BITTY LIL MONKEY IS SO CUTE AWWWW! My older sister used to have a stuffed animal named Pjay and he/she (we could never decide which lol) was amazing :)