Hello! I just wanted to stop by your page and thank you for adding "The Grandmaster's Son" to your reading and for following my page! I'm honored and humbled. I hope you enjoy Oz's adventures and find hours of entertainment on my page :)))
@Du_mak Hi, dear. Thanks a lot for adding #FIP to your reading list. Hope my story will touch your heart. Don't be afraid to vote and comment. Always glad to reply xo
Thanks so much for adding Late Night Conversations to your reading list, I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy reading it and maybe my other stories too. That would mean the world to me. Hope you're doing well. ❤
Hi! Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you enjoy everything my profile has to offer. Hopefully my notifs won't annoy you too much lol
If you're interested (and I feel kinda odd for asking, trust me!) I have a new short story for a contest posted. I'd enjoy seeing your thoughts. If you like it, a vote on chapter one will help me advance!
Thank you again! And by the way, THAT ITTY BITTY LIL MONKEY IS SO CUTE AWWWW! My older sister used to have a stuffed animal named Pjay and he/she (we could never decide which lol) was amazing :)