e is for epple
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If I don't do it tonight, if something sets me off tomorrow, I fucking will.
@Duel_Colours Well, I'm here if you need, you know? I know it isn't the same, but some outside support might help
@-FALLEN_HEALER- They keep asking me if I’m okay and I keep telling them I am because I know if I’m honest they’ll get more stressed and I know my dad will take it out on me even more than her already has
@Duel_Colours They should be dealing with their stress themselves. If they knew how to parent then their stress wouldn't be as high. It isn't your fault you're feeling a normal human emotion, and the fact that your displaying something completely rational and being punished for it is something that is going to ultimately make their stress worse, because you're just gonna build yours up. Don't blame yourself/make yourself feel like you've failed for being a human with crappy parents. Your parents are the one's that have failed.
e is for epple
If I don't do it tonight, if something sets me off tomorrow, I fucking will.
@Duel_Colours Well, I'm here if you need, you know? I know it isn't the same, but some outside support might help
@-FALLEN_HEALER- They keep asking me if I’m okay and I keep telling them I am because I know if I’m honest they’ll get more stressed and I know my dad will take it out on me even more than her already has
@Duel_Colours They should be dealing with their stress themselves. If they knew how to parent then their stress wouldn't be as high. It isn't your fault you're feeling a normal human emotion, and the fact that your displaying something completely rational and being punished for it is something that is going to ultimately make their stress worse, because you're just gonna build yours up. Don't blame yourself/make yourself feel like you've failed for being a human with crappy parents. Your parents are the one's that have failed.
Gorgeous and handsome Both on the inside and out They light up my day
@Slendys_Best_Proxy I can sometimes hear it when people are smirking or smiling- I can hear scowls and frowns-
@-Skylar_Serene- Yeah? When people are happy, their voice changes slightly (typically when they're smiling) for me so :/ I've taught myself to pick up on the change.
If I could write poems then I would write you one-
@Slendys_Best_Proxy I can't believe I didn't notice these sooner- I- thank you, Liebe <3
I fucking love you- anyone that makes you feel unloved will be drop kicked and sacrificed >:( <333333
Appreciate this beautiful person before I steal your testosterone >:( Fuck anyone that doesn't cherish this precious human-
Jericho hates death.
Jericho’s wings are actually black, as the God of Death, Fenrir’s, wings were black. The villain ark is now cannon in the original story- I honestly don't see how I can fit in a normal life for Jericho since she killed her brother :/ Feel free to ask questions-
❝I thought you meant it when you said you hated me! ❞ Mood »Fluffy »Romantic »Flirtatious »Jokey »Angst- relationship »Angst- death/injury AUs ⦻Villain ark ⦻Human AU ⦻No AU ⦻ Faerie AU
https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdBgm3Uj/ Jericho 100% is a true-crime junky.
@-FALLEN_HEALER- This girl will fall asleep listening to true-crime podcasts B) Slfmsak- yesyes-wholesome
@Duel_Colours I- lmbo- that video is pretty funny- Axel would try and get into it for her sjsjsnsj
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Duration: 2 days