
Hello to all my amazing readers. I will no longer be using Wattpad. I may make an edit to some stories, and I might finish 'Not a Dog' but I do not like the way Wattpad is changing, I find the constant unmute-able notifications from Wattpad obnoxious and I respect their values of what they don't allow. But removing things without explaining why and not responding to emails asking why, has also made me not like them. I will be using Inkitt from now on and apologise for any inconvenience.


@DulEmeiona I understand completely it's starting to get on my nerves as well so I have co-posted my story on neobook


@DulEmeiona It's just coin offer notifications they keep sending me. I think it's just stories that go against their guidelines. I don't believe they've ever explained why. Fortunately, I've never had a problem with them. So, I guess I wouldn't know, since they've never deleted anything of mine. My stories are all written down in notebooks, because I write them in there before I type them, so at least I'd still have a copy. Sorry for the trouble you've been having with them. What it your new Inkitt account?


Hello to all my amazing readers. I will no longer be using Wattpad. I may make an edit to some stories, and I might finish 'Not a Dog' but I do not like the way Wattpad is changing, I find the constant unmute-able notifications from Wattpad obnoxious and I respect their values of what they don't allow. But removing things without explaining why and not responding to emails asking why, has also made me not like them. I will be using Inkitt from now on and apologise for any inconvenience.


@DulEmeiona I understand completely it's starting to get on my nerves as well so I have co-posted my story on neobook


@DulEmeiona It's just coin offer notifications they keep sending me. I think it's just stories that go against their guidelines. I don't believe they've ever explained why. Fortunately, I've never had a problem with them. So, I guess I wouldn't know, since they've never deleted anything of mine. My stories are all written down in notebooks, because I write them in there before I type them, so at least I'd still have a copy. Sorry for the trouble you've been having with them. What it your new Inkitt account?


Y'know when I searched up my weird thoughts on if humans were pets I didn't expect to actually find something, but I must say, your stories are quite fulfilling to my curiosity and I'd like to thank you for that. You've done well.


@Kuruten  Thank you so much! I'm so very glad you liked them!


With the now unpublished in the mouse onesie book, I have decided, that I might hand the story over to someone else. So that people can continue to enjoy it, so if anyone has any interest, please comment or message here


One of my biggest tips with editing stories, is reread the entire thing in the editing page, so that you can correct spelling and missing words, while you enjoy it, and read it as a viewer does, I recommend giving it a day or two, you don't have to publish by that time, just so you can get a fresher look.


@DulEmeiona yeah I notice leaving for a while then coming back to review a draft helps me notice any weird wording or mistakes in the text. 
