Hello to all my amazing readers. I will no longer be using Wattpad. I may make an edit to some stories, and I might finish 'Not a Dog' but I do not like the way Wattpad is changing, I find the constant unmute-able notifications from Wattpad obnoxious and I respect their values of what they don't allow. But removing things without explaining why and not responding to emails asking why, has also made me not like them. I will be using Inkitt from now on and apologise for any inconvenience.

@DulEmeiona I understand completely it's starting to get on my nerves as well so I have co-posted my story on neobook

@DulEmeiona It's just coin offer notifications they keep sending me. I think it's just stories that go against their guidelines. I don't believe they've ever explained why. Fortunately, I've never had a problem with them. So, I guess I wouldn't know, since they've never deleted anything of mine. My stories are all written down in notebooks, because I write them in there before I type them, so at least I'd still have a copy. Sorry for the trouble you've been having with them. What it your new Inkitt account?