Hello to all my followers and/or anyone else that sees this! You might've noticed that my uploading has been rather stagnant for quite some time now, and now all of a sudden I'm posting a ton a crap! Well, to explain myself a little: recently I was inspired to start writing again, and Patrick McHale (of Over the Garden Wall fame) always talks about how a good way to get better at your writing and keep the creative juices flowing is to set a timer for ten minutes and write a story with a beginning and an end. This is what I've been doing, and I've been labeling these little short stories with #10MinutesEquals1Story. Pretty nifty hashtag, huh? I came up with it myself ;) Anyway, these stories tend to be extremely goofy, and rather fun to write, so I'm really enjoying it. The plan is to write one every day. I'll let you know if I won't be able to post one on a day. So, read em if you want, they'll take you like a minute each, and I think they're pretty entertaining. Enjoy.