I'm sowwy, I got a new email, dis is my new acount, if you want to see my books continued, contact me on my account, if you want to approve this is my new account, ask Stupidness_Freak, another account on Wattpad
Hey peeps! (Yes, I called you marshmallows!) Well can you comment on my kamisama kiss book, I will take your suggestions and shout out to the person! I will use that suggestion in the story! :3 Zombie out
Haaaaaaiiiiiii!!! :D I was wondering, I need you guys permission for shout out. Please contact me any way possible to get a shout out! Also say if you want a shout out. Baaaaaaaiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!! (*.*)
MaryAllen6, your an awesome person, GO CHECK HER OUT :D
Love ya in the freind way! *pewdiepie end song comes on * :3 *BROFIST*