No worries. I enjoy reading. Besides, your story has me hooked though. It has such a great story line and everything. You did have a few spelling errors like: Then and than, or your and you're in some places, but for a beginner, you did amazing! Probably way better than I am ! But, I'll tell you this, "Show rather tell" my teacher always told me that phrase a bunch, yet I'm still trying to work with it more in my stories. In case you're wondering what I meant, it just means to express yourself creatively rather than being plain with you're story. But don't think you need fixing because I loved your story the way it is. Please keep writing more! I seriously can't wait to see what lies ahead of Kaira and what kind of celestial spirits her friend holds since all the golden gate keys have been found! Whatever you do, don't let anyone discourage you or anything negative get to you! Do your best! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!