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Legit I was fucking learning about the British in history and 20 minutes later I learned the Queen fucking died... anyways how's everyone day?


hey, loved your stranger things book, read t w while ago and am hyped for the new books, just wondering when you'd update them or more specifically the berserk one as that's the one I'm really interested in, anyways,  I've just been curious is all


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Legit I was fucking learning about the British in history and 20 minutes later I learned the Queen fucking died... anyways how's everyone day?


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So a thought came up, and I'm not sure if any of y'all are fnaf fans, hell some of y'all might even hate cuz of the fandom. But what do you all think about a fnaf story, not one of those bullshit ones, but one that follows the lore? It might be very difficult but I'm willing to take up the challenge. Not only am I doing this because the franchise is close to me but this is also to pay appreciation to one of my old friend who I haven't seen in a long time but he was the one that got me interested in the franchise. So I want to make something to remember him by!
          I don't know when ill make it, probably next year or in 6 months... I just need to cram in as much knowledge and lore that fnaf has in my head, so please be patient. Anyways that's all, SEE YA!


@DumpsterRat5 are u gonna continue the Stranger Things story?


@MK11_EGY yea about that... I've been thinking of deleting the whole story and restarting all over again because I didn't like how the story was going. I have a lot of new ideas for it and some OCs I'm going to add, but the problem is now that school is back up I'm finding it hard to update any of the stories. I don't know when I'll delete the stranger things story but probably around next week or this week.


Yo, just wanted to check up on you to see if your ok, and if your going to update Stranger thing's?


@DumpsterRat5 I got you jit, take your time.


@wizzGL imma be honest with you G, the reason why I'm not updating is because summer school is always up my ass and I just started helping my stepdad on landscaping. So I barely have time to update or even write drafts, but hopefully when school starts back up or in a few weeks I'll start updating. but right now I'm just trying to get my life together.