
ugh all my stories I have read to the end. I need something to read.


HEY GUYS!!!!! I missed you guys. I haven't updated in like 2 weeks. But good news drum roll please THERE WILL BE AN UPDATE TODAY. I can't wait either. It has been so long. Don't forget that I love you guys and to stay funkie and weird. ❤️


          Everyone who reads this should go add the book called Ages of Innocence but I recommended you read the first book first Called innocent rebel. Trust me when I say these are detailed filled books and they are worth reading. Also make sure you go follow the author of those to books her username is CashewFanFics she is truly an amazing outgoing good person and also good to have as a friend. I know I am glad to call her my friend I would do anything for her and I know she would do anything for me. One more thing make sure to spread the news about this book please she put a lot of hard work in these books and I would be so thankful of all of you that do add and read and spread the news. Thank you stay sweet love ya <3


thank you so much


@cecedallas13 lol you followed back lol