
this message may be offensive
So, I know I haven’t updated in a month. But things happened. As you probably don’t know (unless you’re Brazilian), we have had a few natural disasters here, and with last month’s rains, we’ve been dealing with horrible floods. 
          	What does that have to do with me, you might wonder? As most of you know, I am a vet student, (almost a vet really ). And with the recent floods we have been left with hundreds of animals in need of help. And of course, I volunteered to do so. So I have done nothing but work this last month. 
          	On top of that, my computer kindly decided to fuck itself, so even if I do have a while of free time, I can’t write at the moment. But I still wanted to give you guys this update, just so you know what’s been going on.
          	That being said, I plan to update soon, as the situation has been somewhat managed now. So expect something in the following weeks(depends on how soon my computer will get fixed) 
          	All in all, wish you guys all the best. See ya soon
          	- DE


So glad to hear from you! It's very kind of you to help the animals. Stay safe yourself! We're waiting for your return. ❤️


@DunkelEngel don't forget to take care of yourself too, don't worry we will patiently wait for your come back 


how do yall know the author died?


@jj0hnson17 She's gone dude look at what was happening in Brazil round the time she vanished 


@jj0hnson17 are you all serious 
            Like is it really the truth 
            I can't believe it


the author died everyone and am not joking. 
          could anyone pick up this great story (the reunion) and continue it ?


Is there proof of her dying?


@just654321 that's not good idea of the author truly died we shouldn't mess with there books that can be very disrespectful 