
@Renata_Rosario maaf baru bales. I'll check it out right now


Hey, i'm a guy with bpd as well, I happened to come across your sort of like a diary, and wanted to tell that you're a beautiful and wonderful person, and that you're not alone in your pain and suffering, you are valuable and i love you dearly for this way you are, without knowing you. So put on a smile and keep fighting, it gets better with time, and worse, and then a lot better, and sometimes incredibly worse, but in the long run it's worth the effort ;) Had my bpd diagnosis done 6+ years ago and i'm still alive and kickin it old school =)


Hey! I seen your post on the critics page, and would love your input on my story 'Xylex.' Dont feel the need to read through everything, just what you can cope with. If you would like me to return the favor, give me a shout!