Hi, hi! I'm DuskyDreamsss28. Call me Dusky for short. This is my second account for the main one, @latheva (Go follow her! She's yet to be a great writer here in Wattpad, but she's been a bit lonely for a few years.)

Oh, why I made this account? I wanted to make this one a temporary account on any circumstances. Perhaps, I might write some exceptional stories. About famous fandoms that I'm familiar of like Undertale, Deltarune, FnF, Cookie Run (Kingdom), JSaB, etc.

Maybe, I'd also make my own stories. Like really, no other things in relation to that above this paragraph. Just my own stories and my own characters!

Anyways, I hope that we would be friends! I'm a lonely girl who lived within the galactic universe, or the so-called "Space." See you soon! :)
  • somewhere outside Earth
  • JoinedApril 11, 2022
