
I swear I'm not high when making these


I swear I further lose my faith in humanity every day. There were 5 shootings last night, and with the full police shut down in some places and fear in others, I feel like people are gonna start taking things into their own hands, and that's not gonna go well. I understand punishing those murdering pigs, but shutting down the police is ridiculous. How long until some idiot starts a militia? How long until  some cocky motherfucker decides to act really hostile, and throws a Molotov or something? *sighs*


@Kaceyy__  I agree, some are good, I was mainly talking about the fuckwads that killed George Floyd and any other killer cops. And for the most part I blame the idiots that are shutting down the police because it's already chaos in some places.


            I'd say ACAB but some are actually nice. We had a protest in my town the other day and the cops didn't attack, they stood by and watched it unfold, even going with them.


Keep in mind that this is coming from a very violent person.